Thursday 31 May 2012

Shawshank Redemption page 35-48

Andys troubles with the sisters still continued, althought it wasent as brutal or as often, and andy always kept fighting back. Eventually it ended all together after 3 years due to one of the sisters getting burtaling injured by a mysterious source and therefor he got sent to a mental hospital institution. Besides Andys problems with the sisters, he had asked Red for a half dozen rock blankets and a Rita Hayworth poster. Red has way of getting things, his specialty is booze, cigarretts, female posters and the reefer. Together Red and Andy got chosen to repaire the roof of the licence-plate factory. While repairing the roof Andy over heard Greg Stammas, Byron Hadley and George Dunahg (the prisons gaurds, wardens and prison administrators) talking about money that Hadleys brother left to him in his will, but was complining about how taxes will eat most of it up. Andy walked over to Hadley and asked him if he trusted his wife. At first Hadley freked out and almost pushed him off the roof, but when Andy told him that he could help him keep all the money Hadley listened and bought him a bunch of beers to share with his friends. Banking is Andys secret talent nobody really knows about..yet.

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